Your Donations are tax deductible! You can donate money at any time!
Please visit our Donations page
Become a sponsor at our 5th Annual 9-11 Golf Tournament
For 7 years now we have held the Guns and Hoses Golf Tournament. This event raises money for the Shawnee Police Foundation and the Shawnee Fire Department. Our tournament is held on September 11th of each year. Please visit our golf tournament page for more information. !
Become a member
You can become a member of the Shawnee Police Foundation by visiting our Donations and Membership page! Want to be more involved? Board of Directors are elected annually from the current active membership. So Join Today!
Purchase a ticket or table for the Annual Banquet
The 2023 Banquet was held in January of 2023. We look forward to seeing you in 2024 at the next banquet
Our Annual Banquet is held each year to honor the officers and recognize the officer of the year. Our goal each year is to provide a free ticket
to every officer.